EPS: GlobalSign’s Enterprise Reseller Program Makes It Easier To Issue Digital Certificates

Issuing digital certificates (EPS) can be complicated, especially when you need to issue them. And maintain them for multiple companies in different industries and of different sizes. EPS: GlobalSign’s Enterprise Reseller Program Makes It Easier To Issue Digital Certificates.

What is EPS?

Focusing on managed SSL (MSSL) and enterprise PKI (EPKI). A larger solution has also been added or added as an independent offering.

EPS allows its partners to provide their partners with all the benefits of solutions. It is also maintained by Global Sign while maintaining control over its customers. It is a feature-rich platform that facilitates life cycle management and provides complete visibility. And reporting on customer accounts and activities.

EPS has two main players.

TTP – Top Level Partner Account

If you own an EPS account, you are immediately at the top of the hierarchy. And also can be considered a GlobalSign top-tier partner account or TTP account.

Standard reseller partner account

These are sub-accounts of TTP, which are also certified resellers. They also usually sell digital certificates as personal credentials to their end-users. They will be able to handle the billing. But the certificates will come to you. And you will also receive a set fee for each certificate sold on their behalf.

EPS: Global Signal Solutions for your customers

All of these are Sass solutions that handle everything in the cloud from the Global Certification Center (GCC).

MPKI – Managed PKI

It offers cross-selling capabilities because you can offer a wide range of applications. From SSL / TLS certificates to S / MIME, document signature, and the user or machine authentication. And also other client certificates, all instantly and you can manage. Customer. EPS: GlobalSign’s Enterprise Reseller Program Makes It Easier To Issue Digital Certificates.

EPS: GlobalSign's Enterprise Reseller Program Makes It Easier To Issue Digital Certificates|Digital Certification|Theamangupta|Theamangupta
Digital Certifications

MSSL – SSL managed

Alternative names (SAN). Support for multiple organizations under one account and representative user administration provides complete. And centralized control over certification requirements throughout your client’s organization.

EPKI – Enterprise PKI

EPKI is a managed PKI service that is used to issue. And maintain global sign client certificates (used for authentication, S / MIME, and document signing). These web portals and also APIs provide a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to facilitate PKS deployment for you and your customers. With EPKI, your customers have the tools they need. To maintain complete control over their PKI requirements, without the hassle and overhead costs of implementing an internal CA.

Personal certificate

Using an EPS account, you can sell a personal certificate from GCC. It includes all SSL / TLS certificates and client certificates such as S / MIME, document signature, and authentication certificates.

Why use EPS?

The main idea is to sell or sell the MPKI platform as a profitable. In addition to your existing products/services or solutions provided.

EPS is different from a standard partner account. That it is a flexible system that allows you to sell solutions directly to companies or provide personal certifications.

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It makes EPS a perfect Top Partner (TTP) management platform designed for service providers, area partners, and system integrators.

EPS has two main players.

TTP – Top Level Partner Account

If you own an EPS account, you will immediately be at the top of the hierarchy.

Standard reseller partner account

These are sub-accounts of TTP, which are also certified resellers. They usually sell digital certificates as personal credentials to their end-users. They will be able to handle the billing. But the certificates will come to you. And you will receive a set fee for each certificate sold on their behalf.

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