Free SSL / TLS Certificate Program For Service Providers And Hosting Companies

After reading this headline, I think many of you are thinking, “Actually this guy is against free SSL / TLS certification programs. They give away one of their company’s flagship products for free!” Well, I’m working at a company that sells TLS certifications. But I’m not here to tell you that these free programs are bad and you’re going to get the glow with BallSign (or whatever). Anything that helps to adapt to more mainstream encryption is a very good thing I think. I have to use the internet too. After all, some part of the mine dies every time. I see a form or payment page (or a page) without using TLS. Free SSL / TLS Certificate Program For Service Providers And Hosting Companies.

Now, this post is leading to congestion of service providers and hosting companies –

The digital business that drives the need to encrypt everything. Most of the companies in this market want to start offering TLS as a service to all their customers and these free TLS certification programs are attracting their attention. Again, this is a good thing! I’m glad these companies are looking at ways to make TLS easier for their customers, which means a more secure, secure Internet for all.

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However, not all of these free programs are the same and have some limitations. It’s important to hang on to the “free” topic, but take a step back and consider what you are looking for in a TLS solution. and then compare your options. Below are some things you should consider if you are looking for a free certificate program.

Do your customers need more trust than a DV certificate?

So domain valid (DV) certificates from a free TLS provider will suffice depending on your needs (or specifically, your customers’ needs). However, your customers need to stick brand identity to their web presence. You may want to consider a TLS provider that can issue extended certification (EV) and firm validity (OV). EV gives TLS websites the utmost trust and credibility because it prominently displays and beats the company name in the browser’s address bar. Although OV certificates contain certified company information, they do not change the default browser behavior.

What support can you expect if anything?

If you choose a free TLS certificate seller, you will have to pay for the support (see our “Free is not always free” section below) or not everyone will get support together. If you plan to manage your customer support issues yourself or leave them to solve your issues. Vendor support may not be as important to you. However, if you cannot manage internal support tickets or you are offering TLS, you need value-based submission and support that reflects your customer experience. If problems or issues are not resolved quickly. Your customers will not be happy and you will lose them. Additionally, you should ask vendors. if you estimate that you can fulfill the required service level agreements (SLAs). Free SSL / TLS Certificate Program For Service Providers And Hosting Companies.

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“Free” does not always mean free

In the business world, free or premium products are often a way for you to pay for something else. Professional technology and software vendors are not freeing you from the goodness of their hearts. When you want full features, functions, advanced capabilities, or service and support. You must purchase or sign a service agreement. This strategy has been used by many technology companies with great success in the past and present.

Is free SSL / TLS right for you?

Providing TLS as a service (TLSaaS) to your customers will make encryption more accessible. And help create a safer, more secure Internet for all. So I encourage all service providers to explore their options. At the end of the day, I will, from one of these free certification programs or the solution. And the vendor you choose for energy integration is the decision you can make.

Free SSL / TLS Certificate Program For Service Providers And Hosting Companies|Free SSL / TLS Certificate Program|Theamangupta|Theamangupta
Free SSL / TLS Certificate Program For Service Providers And Hosting Companies

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