How To Make An Impactful Presentation

Hello everyone!! Today, we will discuss How To Make An Impactful Presentation.

Hope you are all safe and doing great.

The success of your presentations will be judged not by the knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.” – Lilly Walters.


A presentation is a way for a speaker to communicate information to an audience. Presentations are usually demos, introductions, lectures, or speeches. These enlighten, convince, inspire, motivate, develop goodwill, or introduce a new idea/product.

Preparation, organizations, event planning, writing, the use of visual aids, coping with tension, and answering questions. Moreover, these are all common requirements for presentations. In tertiary professional situations, such as accountants delivering a detailed analysis of a company’s financials. Or commonly employed are entrepreneurs selling their venture idea to investors, presentations. An interactive presentation has several advantages. Also includes attracting more audience attention and creating a sense of community through engagement. Before discussing How To Make An Impactful Presentation, let’s have a view on the basic topic.


While giving effective presentations, work with both the audience and the topic. To connect with the people you’re interacting with, you need to understand how to relate to them.

So, you are given a topic on which you have to present a presentation, need not worry. This became your single-hand work when you became an expert. In other words, preparing a beautiful and impactful presentation is very easy.

The first and most important thing

The first and most important thing that comes in the presentation is how your presentation looks like. And then second comes is content and then last. An important one comes is how you present your presentation in front of everyone. This last step contains all the efforts, that you did while designing a presentation.

 When it comes to what to write and how to write then in that case you divide it into the parts :

Let’s understand it with an example-

  • Like you have given a topic name “Sphygmomanometer” then you start writing with the –
  • “What is a sphygmomanometer” and its “principle” on the first slide.

Content Part of Presentations

While writing the content of the presentation you should remember that presentation must not be lengthy like at the school level presentation must not exceed 10-12 slides and other depending on the topic, at the college ge level presentation must exceed 20-25 slides and other depend upon the topic, this is the criteria you must remember.

  • On the second slide you can write about, what is the purpose of using a sphygmomanometer.
  • In the third slide, you can write the parts of the sphygmomanometer, explain every part of a sphygmomanometer, and add some pictures of it, to make it understandable to the viewer, the explanation takes up to 1-2 pages not more than 3.
  • In the next slide, you can write types of sphygmomanometers (Mercury sphygmomanometer, Aneroid sphygmomanometer, and Automatic digital sphygmomanometer), as these are three types of sphygmomanometers. So, On the next slide, we explain the first type of sphygmomanometer (Mercury sphygmomanometer) and explain all information or data about it within 2 or 3 slides. do the same with the other two types of sphygmomanometers (Aneroid sphygmomanometer, and Automatic digital sphygmomanometer).

Next Slides Ideas

  • In the next slide you can write about the history of the sphygmomanometer (like when was the first sphygmomanometer made, who make it and how was the first sphygmomanometer looked like and what are modifications done till the due date, what was the purpose of making it and who were the scientists who gave contribution on making sphygmomanometer and many more.)
  • In the next slide, you can explain how to use different types of sphygmomanometers, as we know that there are three types of sphygmomanometers so, they’re working functioning must be different for everyone. You might need 2-3 slides to explain this.
  • Okk! Now, comes the slide of advantages and disadvantages of sphygmomanometer. try to wind up this part just in one slide.
  • Make the slide of the imitation of a sphygmomanometer and also try to wind up this part just in half or one slide.
  • You can make the next slide of Precautions while using a sphygmomanometer.
  • And at the last end of your presentation with the “Thank You! ”.

I think this is enough content that you put in your presentation and from my point of view, this contains everything that needed to be put in a presentation.

Also Read: How to use Snapchat?

So, the content part finishes right here and now, let’s move forward to the designing part of the presentation.

How To Make An Impactful Presentation|Prsentation| Tannu Rani| Theamangupta
New Slides

Designing Part of Presentations

If you are using PowerPoint for making the presentation then from the new option you can search for the templates and use them in your presentation, here you can find the new and beautiful presentation, the above slides that I have shown I made on PowerPoint just by the use of some templates and some photos from the google. 

Seems unbelievable na!

I knew it but this is the truth, as long as you are learning and willing to do something then the more you became an expert in that field even without much resources and make a very impressive and impactful presentation to the viewers.

Why do presentations so often fall short of our expectations?

One argument is that people will never be moved by the information alone. In this course, you’ll learn how to create captivating presentations that will encourage others, inspire action, and enable buy-in rather than simply providing data and figures. You’ll learn to develop presentations that are both relevant and memorable by revealing what matters to your audience. Gain the confidence and abilities you need to change people’s minds, feelings, and behaviors.


Break down everything you’re going to say into three basic sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion for your presentation. This is a strong start.

Your introduction should summarise what you’ll be talking about and why it’ll be valuable or relevant to your audience.

Hope it will help you in engagement and create more impact !!!

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