How To Create A Cyber Security Culture At The Workplace

The concept of cyber security and privacy at work has long since left the IT sector and now resonates in the minds of all employees, from C-Suites to remote employees. How To Create A Cyber Security Culture At The Workplace.

As this month is National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month. We thought it would be a good opportunity to give you some hints on how you can create a culture of cyber security in the workplace.

The cyberspace culture begins with the C-Suite or the Board of Directors

If you want to create a cybercity culture, you have to start with the c-suite first. CXOs and boards are usually hard to explain if you are not fully prepared, especially when you can not show how to pay for their investment.

The first step is to start by explaining how low-cost it is. To invest in cybersecurity and clean it up after a data break. According to a POMON study in 2015: “The average annual deficit (due to cybercrime) for companies worldwide now exceeds 7 7.7 million.”

How To Create A Cyber Security Culture At The Workplace|Cyber Security|Theamangupta|Theamangupta
Cyber Security

The worst thing is that it is not always possible to calculate the price of a data breach in statistics. Some companies lose their reputation massively or fall in share prices.

For example

since Tactical was hacked for the third time. They have seen a 23.7.7p decline in their 10.7% share price. At the time of writing, the share price is 210p. We do not know if this is 100% due to their cyber attack. But if we look at their stock price graph compared to the previous year we can see from October 2015 that there was a decline before some recovery took place. Will go. October 2015 The last data Breach he encountered.

Figure 1 – Google Finance Image

To explain CXO, they have to speak their language and finance is in the middle of it. On the contrary, technical terminology you probably want to clarify.

You should also remind your board and CXO. That you keep your trade secrets open to hackers without adequate levels of cyber security. This allows you to be less open to innovation and outperform your competitors.

Also Read: Tips-for-cyber-security-law-firms

They probably travel a lot for work and have important communication while traveling, but do they know how open it is to intercept communications while on the road? Do they use passwords again? It is worth asking all these questions and explaining how they are harming themselves and their organization. You can think twice before logging into an open Wi-Fi network and sending sensitive data about the company.

Invest throughout the Cyberspace Training Company

Once you have been approved and adopted by the board for CXO. You should invest in a long-term cyber training program for all employees.

Work with your HR department to launch cyber security programs for new employees.

Consider the following:

The fact is that anyone starting a new job is eager to get the job done. And therefore they may not give much importance to this training, especially if it is the first thing they encounter. Before you start you need to make sure that you have supporting documents that point to these media. Then you can introduce them to your devices and allow them to set everything up.

This is a good time to explain that their employees are a weak link in the organization’s cyber security. If you start with the original you can build from there.

Ongoing cyber security training

Every day new attacks or vulnerabilities come into the market and become more popular than others. Sending regular bulletins about the type of attacks and what employees will see should be up to the IT department.

You can also do regular phishing simulation tests and use them so that people are always looking for phishing emails or websites, hoping that they will be the first to report to their IT department.

Cyber ​​security policies and guidelines

You need to work with your human resources and the legal department to define a cyber security policy for your company. It should be based on all the weak vector points in your company. For example, if you have many employees using their phones and tablets to work, you must set up a mobile workforce or BYOD policy. If you have a lot of remote workers, you can set up a guide or best practice for network access at home.

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