How To Provide Great Customer Service In 2020

Customer service is becoming increasingly important, especially as our economy progressively moves from the tertiary sector to the quadrilateral sector (this is the business that supports the service sector). we will discuss more about How To Provide Great Customer Service In 2020.

There is less acceptance of the old “leave a message and we’ll get back to you” these days. Especially with the introduction of AI (primarily chatbots) in business communications. Businesses should simply respond more quickly, positively, and increasingly provide higher quality resources or responses.

Businesses need a friendly IT support team who can tell you if IT issues are impacting your customer service as well. Fortunately, a 2018 customer service survey indicated that personal service. That is, recognized as an individual customer with an ongoing relationship, matters more than service speed. To note, momentum was third in key customer expectations that year. But, inadvertently, moved up to second place in the 2019 survey, meaning both customers and customers seeking support are quick, high- Quality and Personal.

What are customers looking for?

Over the past few decades, several surveys have inquired about customers’ perceptions of customer service. Over the past few years, three trends have remained in the top three positions.  Customer experience, personal service and cost. Additionally, there is a significant and growing general difference in customer expectations.

For example, a customer who has recently listened to you wants a ‘universal experience’. Simply put, this means that customers want to use the company’s support through various means such as email, telephone, SMS, live chat etc. Customers are no longer happy with just one phone number. In addition, they want a seamless quality service on every channel. Finally, customers are expected to buy companies they support, such as to know who they are and their relationship history.

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A key statistic in the 2018 survey – and repeated in 2019 – is that customers do not like Interactive Voice Response (IVR). Otherwise known as the menu of choice before you talk to a human on the phone . While there is a ploy for IVRs by major companies. 98% of respondents say they try to move beyond IVR, and about 60% view IVR as a negative mark against the company. How To Provide Great Customer Service In 2020 is a point to discuss.

How To Provide Great Customer Service In 2020|Customer Service|Theamangupta|Theamangupta
Customer Service

Interestingly, the Harvard Business Review found that the introduction of IVR at a particular retail bank in the US led to an unexpected result: customers physically ended up going to the bank because they did not want to deal with IVR. lesson? If your business has automated phone systems such as IVRs, talk to them face to face occasionally if possible.

Positivity of providing great customer service

However, there are encouraging signs, for companies ‘it’s right’ and providing good customer service. Customers will pay more for the services of a company with a good track record. In fact, 59% of the price will pay more for personal service and 68% for good service.

Other good news: Customers talk!

About 80% of satisfied customers go on to tell others about their experience, and 40% further try to post about it on social media. This is great news for businesses that are doing it right. Therefore, when you are happy and tell a friend, you are not alone. However, the reverse is also true. With fewer percentages than they will intentionally tell the other about their negative experience. Both from their mouths and on social media. Therefore, good service is rewarded.

Millennials and Retail: A Generational Change

While the market is ever changing, customers are generally very loyal; There are usually some bad experiences to take the average customer to a different brand. However, it is a different story for the millennium. It has been reported that millennials will move on to less sensitive brands. Less loyal and only after a bad experience. It has also been reported that millennials wait a maximum of four hours for a Facebook reply before proceeding.

The assumption occurring here is that businesses need to think differently when Baby Boomers or Generations X, Y (Millennials), and Z are concerned. One common measure among the various researches is that young consumers use a wide variety of platforms to engage with support and usually expect a dynamic answer.

Providing the best customer service

Customers are actively looking for companies that meet these expectations and have proven track records in customer service. If the company advertises ‘Fast Response Time’, do they review on their site? Does your company offer various ways to get in touch (omnichannel experience) like a ‘Get in Touch’ contact page with e-mail addresses, phone numbers, Facebook pages, Twitter handles, etc.? This is no longer just a millennium expectation – it is the current expectation in the twenty-first century.

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