Empowering Teachers And Future Employees

A large amount of new technology is being created each year. And as a bonus, this technology is becoming a lot more accessible quickly, easily, and cheaper than ever. We can use this technology to empower future generations. Empowering Teachers And Future Employees.

However, with the wider digital skills gaps in the economy and greater demand for influential technology. We must apply these tools from the primary level to within schools. All for higher education and beyond work and lifelong learning.

The youth entering school today will face challenges that we cannot even imagine. Therefore, we need to prepare not only their digital knowledge. But also their soft skills that are integral to being part of a collaborative society. According to our research with McKinsey, up to 40% of future jobs will require more social and emotional skills in the ‘2030 class’.

According to research, students also want personal education.

This means that in the future, humans and the individual have an important role to play with technology. So teaching will have the benefits of automation. But should not be fundamentally constrained by it. With the use of technology, teachers can not only take advantage of tools that help individual learning for every student. But also make their plans, share learning with their peers and reduce their workload Also free time.

Big data and big results help to empower 

In the era of the AI revolution, it is not only businesses that can take advantage of big data. Education practitioners can use their data. Also to predict test results, track students’ progress, and identify students who may be at risk or drop out early. Empowering Teachers And Future Employees.

Why is this a good thing?

By building systems that can identify and predict a student’s performance, teachers can help a student struggle. Or those who are beginning to struggle and need real-time support. They may also look for weak points in the curriculum or courses. Which may require improvement based on feedback or student attendance records.

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Empowering Employees

Jonathan Bishop, the headteacher at Broadcast Community Primary School, has already seen the results. All these digital tools are supporting the teacher. Moreover on assessing, planning, marking and tracking children’s progress through their schoolwork.”

A new way to learn and empower

Although we can expect the future of learning to include technological developments such as AI. It will be the primary objective is the advancement of learning, not taken from teachers. 98 percent of students perform better with a personalized learning approach. And with the use of technology, we can help students without overloading teachers.

Personal education has been a sacred grave for education. Yet it has taken time to arrive. Creating personalized content and pathways is very important for students. Meaning that they can work in the classroom at their own pace, with teachers acting. As a facilitator for each student, helping them on their journey.

Also Read: Physics Online apps

In Marlow, Danesfield School made educational technology and personal education. And professional development is an important part of its school improvement strategy. Three years ago, they were in the lower 10% for reading, writing, and mathematics. Two years after their ‘technology first’ approach, they now sit in the top 1 percent nationally.

Technology itself is not the end but is a facilitator for creative approaches, collaboration, personal learning, and professional development.

Tools to help empower students

Building digital skills are very important for the future. It is predicted that by 2020 we will have a shortage of around 900,000 workers across Europe. It is also important to note that jobs are going to change and develop with technology. By quickly embracing digital skills we empower the future to ensure-  no one is left behind.

We have supported this through our Microsoft Digital Skills Program. Which provides learning programs, tools, and links for all students. Even from young students to higher education, to IT professionals and teachers.

We are also reducing learning with Minecraft education.

It encourages creativity and collaboration in a safe, open learning environment. Also teaches skills such as coding, problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking.

Society must support the learning of not only digital skills, but also creative, social, and emotional skills – highly valued by students and their future employers. 42 percent of employers believe that new graduates are adequately prepared for the workforce, especially with the right emotional and social skills.

To do this, technology is needed more to support creativity and STEM and to give new experiences to students. Luckily, there is a lot that can help support this.

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